株式会社Quelle珂瀾 株式会社Quelle珂瀾 Quelle International Co., Ltd.
Quelle International Co., Ltd.

What's Quelle?

About Us

Quelle International Co., Ltd. was incorporated in Tokyo, Japan.
The company provides a wide range of services to meet customer needs. It has created a good atmosphere that encourages personal and professional development around the company’s core values.
The company’s main business includes biomedicine, medical health, medical cosmetology, real estate investment, industrial technology and other consulting services, and project cooperation in computer software development, international trade, and other areas.
The company’s core team is composed of experts from various industries who have been in Japan for more than 30 years and are familiar with the conditions in Japan and China with extensive networks. With a wealth of experience and knowledge, the team provides customers with consulting services and various project cooperation beyond satisfaction.

Completed Projects
Ongoing Projects
Happy Clients
Award Won


Advanced technology (TMT & electronics industry (DX, AI, electronic equipment, etc., new materials, new energy, green science and technology, etc.) project consulting, project operation services; Scientific and technological talent employment, entrepreneurship cooperation; M&A; advanced medical care, health & anti-aging care  ; International trade business; International training & tourism; Study abroad consulting; Business planning, etc.

Consultation in Medical

日本是世界医疗水平最发达的国家之一。日本的医疗技术早在100多年前就领先于亚洲。近年来,日本医疗在癌症等疑难病症的治疗方面,始终保持世界领先地位。微创手术和高难度外科手术也是强项。除高端医疗体检外,赴日本治疗可以享有更多的新药、新技术机会;多学科诊疗模式(MDT)的个性化诊疗方案和更人性化的就医体验。赴日本做高端体检、治疗,可以体验日本人引以为傲的“匠人精神”——无论多么平凡的小事,若能做到极致,便是卓越。 日本は世界で最も医療水准が発達している国の一つです。日本の医療技術は100年前からアジアをリードしています。近年、日本の医療は、がんなどの難病の治療において、世界のトップを走り続けています。低侵襲手術や高度な科手術も強みだ。先端健康診断のほか、日本で治療することで、より多くの新薬、新技術にて適切な対応が可能になります。多学科診療モデル(MDT)による個人に合わせた受診、日本での高度な健康診断や治療は、日本人が誇る「職人魂」を体験することができます。平凡なことを至極にすることです。 Japan is one of the countries with the most advanced medical services in the world. Japan enjoyed top…

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Advanced technology project consulting & operation services

公司致力于国际先端技术(TMT&电子行业(DX、AI、电子设备等,新材料、新能源、绿色科技等)的开发和项目对接咨询。对科技人才提供就业顾问服务,并且有经验丰富的专业团队助力科技项目的落地和运营。同时提供专业的科技项目M&A及相关咨询服务。 TMT、DX、機能材料、新規エネルギー、グリーンテクノロジー等先端技術の開発とコンサルティング、技術人材活用のコンサルティング或いは創業のサーポト、経験豊富なエキスパートで構成したチームによるプロジェクトのビジネス化を実現させます。また、専門性高い科学技術のM&Aと関係業務のコンサルティングサービスを提供します。 Our company is committed to the development and project consultation of international advanced technology (TMT & electronics industry…

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International training & tourism; Study abroad consulting

日本是一个科技制造大国,在医学、制造业、航天航空等领域都有着领先世界的高科技。我们一直致力于日本和世界各国之间的学术交流,加深各国科技人员之间的相互了解,提供交流研修的机会和平台。 日本不仅是科技制造大国,还是举世公认的宜居优势,蓝天、碧水、优良的空气、放心的食品安全、便利安全的城市生活环境、百姓的高文明素质、发达的医疗、健全的养老医疗福利制度等成为大家来日本旅游和留学的吸引力。 日本は先進な科学技術大国であります。医学、建設、製造、航空宇宙等全方位の科学技術は世界的にトップ位置にあります。弊社は日本と世界の学術交流、技術交流を深めるため、交流研修のプラットフォームとサービスを提供しています。 きれいな空気、水、そして安心できる食品、便利な交通ネットワークで知られている住みやすい日本では、レベル高い医療、健全な養老医療福祉制度と質高い国民環境などは来日旅行、留学に取ってとても魅力であります。 Japan is a big technology manufacturing country, with world-leading high-tech in the fields of medicine, manufacturing,…

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Our Team


Our Focus

We provide employment, flexible funding, preferential company establishment policy, one-to-one quick connection services and operation support for related personal or science and technology innovation companies on the platform of ITTE (International Technology Talent Exchange).

For more information about project management or ITTE, please contact Quelle’s professional consultants.

  • Biotechnology consultation
  • Industrial technical consultation
  • Computer software development
  • Academic international exchange activities
  • Various inspection activities
  • Other related inquiries


For more information about marketing development, please contact Quelle’s professional consultants.

We have high-quality products from China, Japan, Singapore, the United States, Australia, Europe and other countries and regions, the circulation of goods sold through international trade, people around the world can buy their favorite goods in different countries.

For more information about international trade, please contact Quelle’s professional consultants.

  • Travel consultation
  • Health management consultation
  • Shaping beauty care consultation

For more information about international travel, please contact Quelle’s professional consultants.

  • Real estate investment consultation
  • Land sale and investment consultation
  • Other related inquiries


For more information about real estate investment, please contact Quelle’s professional consultants.

Clients' Voice

About Quelle

Zhongxin Avenue Sales Department

As a platform for information transmission between China and Japan, Quelle provides our Chinese customers with information and channels on Japan’s advanced medical treatment and tourism.


Quelle is the first company we cooperated with in Japan, providing us with retail vacuum packaged food from Japan, we hope to continue our cooperation in the future.

Post By : Quelle

March 12th FOODEX JAPAN 2021

  March 12th FOODEX JAPAN 2021   In response to the procurement needs of Singapore…

Post By : Quelle

Suzhou China International Travel Service Co., Ltd. signed a strategic agreement with Quelle

    Suzhou China International Travel Service Co., Ltd. Zhongxin Avenue Sales Department signed a…

Post By : Quelle

Coming Soon



Quelle International Co., Ltd.


Wakamatsu Building 7th floor 3 -3-6, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Phone: 0081-03-6202-7505

E-mail: info@quelle-intl.com

Traffic Access

• [Shin Nihonbashi Station]

1 minute walk from Exit 6 (JR line)

• [Mitsukoshimae Station]

2 minutes walk from Exit A10 (Tokyo Metro Ginza Line)

• [Kanda Station]

6 minutes walk from South Exit (JR line)

• [Kodenmacho Station]

6 minutes walk from Exit 3 (Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line)